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Title: Link Titles help Users Predict where they are Going


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Topic(s): Linking (10)
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Author(s): Nielsen, Jakob (116)


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Google, AltaVista, HotBot.


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Advice for using title attribute of A tag to keep users from getting lost.

Although it was part of the HTML 2.0 specification, browsers are just starting to take advantage of the title attribute of the A tag, usually showing it in a pop-up field after the user has pointed to the link.

To help users figure out what each link will lead to, you should use this feature to tell people what site a link leads to or what kind of information a destination page contains.

Be sure not to merely repeat status bar content or the link text! I already see too many sites that use Javascript to wipe out the status bar with a copy of the same text in the link. Now those people will give me a third copy of the same thing in a pop-up window. Arg.

January 11, 1998, Alertbox by Jakob Nielsen.

Added/Updated: January 13, 1998

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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