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Title: The problems with sitemaps


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Topic(s): Supplemental Navigation (7)
Destination: (13)
Author(s): Dijck, Peter van (5)


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Sitemaps should provide an overview and give direct access.

Peter van Dijck says that sitemaps are hard to do well because they should both provide direct access to specific pieces of content, plus help users see what else is available.

I would add a third: help users understand the information architecture of the site by providing a high level view of everything. Even if users only read the sitemap and never navigate with it, they can still benefit if it helps them grasp the architecture and be less likely to get lost.

From, January 20, 2000. Includes comments at the bottom.

Added/Updated: January 22, 2000

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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