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Title: Top Ten Mistakes of Web Management


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Topic(s): Strategic (22)
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Author(s): Nielsen, Jakob (116)


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Management errors that doom Web sites.

June 15, 1997, Alertbox by Jakob Nielsen. The mistakes are:
  1. Not Knowing Why
  2. Designing for Your Own VPs
  3. Letting the Site Structure Mirror Your Orgchart
  4. Outsourcing to Multiple Agencies
  5. Forgetting to Budget for Maintenance
  6. Treating the Web as a Secondary Medium
  7. Wasting Linking Opportunities
  8. Treating Internet and Intranet Sites the Same
  9. Confusing Market Research and Usability Engineering
  10. Underestimating the Strategic Impact of the Web

Added/Updated: June 15, 1997

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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