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Title: Prioritize Good Content Bubbles to the Top


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Topic(s): Writing Styles (13), Personalization (6)
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Author(s): Nielsen, Jakob (116)


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More about this link

'When everything is emphasized, nothing is emphasized.'

Alertbox for October 17, 1999. For lists, make sure the best items are at the top of the list. Add links at high levels of the site to feature deep content. Other tips to prioritize content for users:
  • Have editors highlight certain stories
  • Use sales numbers to bump up relevance
  • Track server traffic
  • Highlight the most popular items in a list
  • Use 'new' for recent adds to an older page

Finally, do not think customization is an easy solution for prioritization. Customization is good because it lets users pick what they want, but a solid understanding of your users and your content will help you give them what they need.

Added/Updated: October 18, 1999

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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