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Title: Cost of User Testing a Website


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Topic(s): User Testing (17)
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Author(s): Nielsen, Jakob (116)


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More about this link

Beginners need a week to test a site with users.

With experience, you can do it in 2 days.

Baseline given for your own usability studies, to help you get a feeling for how your tests are going:

  • the average site has 11 usability catastrophes on average
  • users are only able to complete 42% of the test tasks
  • users' average subjective rating of websites is 4.9 on a 1-7 scale

Do user testing to find site-level usability problems and do heuristic evaluation for page-level improvements.

Alertbox, May 3, 1998, by Jakob Nielsen.

Added/Updated: May 5, 1998

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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