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Find more like: HCIBIB on Hypertext, Web, Usability ( ... usable}}&highlight=checked)



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Title: HCIBIB on Hypertext Web Usability


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Topic(s): Hypermedia (10)
Destination: HCI Bibliography (2)
Author(s): Perlman, Gary (7)


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Search HCI literature for hypertext/usability papers.

Canned search for "hypertext or hypermedia or world wide web" and "usability or usable" in the HCIBIB. Returned 135 items, including papers from the CHI and Hypertext conferences from the past 10 years.

The HCI Bibliography is a free-access bibliography on Human-Computer Interaction.

Added/Updated: August 17, 1998 ... usable}}&highlight=checked

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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