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Title: Timeless Principles of Design


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Topic(s): Design Tips (41)
Destination: Web Techniques (20)
Author(s): Mok, Clement (1); Zauderer, Vic (1)


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Four basic design principles.

Problem definition, target audience, information organization, and user interface and execution.

The user interface section includes 10 guidelines for developing a graphical user interface:

  1. Create an intuitive system
  2. interpret consistently
  3. use logical progression
  4. anticipate user error
  5. make the nature of functions apparent
  6. focus on content
  7. provide feedback
  8. distinguish between actions
  9. allow speed control
  10. design appropriately

Added/Updated: October 1, 1997

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Link verified by a robot: December 30, 2002 (or later).
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