Usable Web

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Advertising (4 links)

More General Topic(s): Issues (18)

Impact of banners and other ads on usability.

Design always involves tradeoffs. What are the issues around serving users versus catering to advertisers? How can you serve both for the benefit of each?

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Is eTour worth the trip?
Users get "ads" in new browser windows, not banners.

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October 16, 1999


Banner Blindness: Web Searchers Often Miss 'Obvious' Links
Experiments demonstrating how users can tune out online advertisements.

Topic: Research (35)
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August 21, 1999


Usability Perspective on Banner Ads
Moving WebWord rant on why banner ads do not work.

Destination: WebWord (25)
Author: Rhodes, John (13)
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July 1, 1999


Why Advertising Doesn't Work on the Web
Few sites will survive on traditional advertising.

September 1997 Alertbox pointing out that most advertising money is wasted because this 'new media' is cognitively different than what advertisers are used to working with. The marketing that does work helps customers buy rather tries hard to sell.

Destination: Alertbox (101)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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September 4, 1997

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