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Pages from Jakob Nielsen's site (not including Alertbox).

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Books about Web Design and Usability
Other pages about user interface design, visual design and hypertext.

Topic: Books (12)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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February 14, 2001


Canada Post's ePost Service: A Review
Chuck McKinnon reviews ePost, with Jakob's comments.

Topic: Reviews (14)
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January 7, 2000


iCab: New Browser With Structural Navigation

Topic: Browsers (15)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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February 23, 1999


Writing for the Web
How users read on the Web, how authors should write their Web pages.

Conclusion: "Our study suggests that scannable, concise, and objective writing styles each make a positive difference in Web users' performance and subjective satisfaction."

Full paper, shorter report, and detailed study materials available.

Research project by John Morkes and Jakob Nielsen.

Topics: Content (15), Research (35)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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October 1, 1997


Web Design and Usability Hotlist
Jakob Nielsen's collection of links.

The majority of the links are about Web design and usability but he also hilites research and general user interface design sources. Features a new link every few weeks.

Topic: Link Collections (21)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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July 20, 1997


Web Usability Study from 1994
Results of a 1994 usability test.

Jakob Nielsen studied the Sun, HP, IBM, Microsoft and Time-Warner sites. Users were not patient with things that did not work, they wanted search but were not good at it, and liked the human side of the sites.

The screen snapshots from 1994 are also interesting to look at.

Topic: Research (35)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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July 20, 1997


Discount Usability for the Web
Argument for teaching discount usability to amateur Web designers.

Jakob Nielsen presents some numbers to argue that it is economical to teach discount usability engineering techniques that are easy, fast and cheap to all Web authors.

Educating our young in elementary school may be the only way to avoid a Web usability meltdown.

Topic: Value (10)
Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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July 20, 1997


Augmented Conceptual Analysis of the Web
Workshop at CHI 97 on trying to think of the Web at a higher level.

Workshop report not ready yet, but the participants tried to create abstract ways to analyze Web phenomenon and "practiced" applying their rules to past and predicted technologies. This all in the hopes of gaining a grasp of this fluid medium.

Topic: Past Events (48)
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May 2, 1997

Author: Nielsen, Jakob (116)
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