Usable Web

786 links about web usability

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Dynamic HTML (3 links)

More General Topic(s): Technology (18)

Scripting can be used to make pages easier (and harder) to use.

 #   Links Added/Updated  

Mystery Meat Navigation
Rollovers for navigation make web pages that suck.

Vincent Flanders defines a term for Javascript rollovers as navigation elements and explains why this is bad. Links to a lot of MMN sites are included, and Vincent even takes jabs at the designers themselves this time.


Topics: Bad Design (12), Navigation (14)
Destination: Web Pages that Suck (1)
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January 8, 2000


JavaScript and Web Site Usability
Interview with Danny Goodman.

Questions answered by the "guru of scripting languages" include:

  • How can JavaScript be used to improve the user interface?
  • How can JavaScript be used to personalize a Web site?
  • What about older browsers don't support JavaScript?

Interview by John S. Rhodes.

Topic: Interviews (15)
Destination: WebWord (25)
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November 10, 1998


User Interfaces with HTML and JavaScript
Code examples for forms and other user interfaces.

By David Flanagan. Article in the Advancing HTML: Style and Substance issue of the WWW Journal.

Destination: WWW Journal (5)
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September 15, 1997

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