Usable Web

786 links about web usability

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WWW Journal (5 links)

Defunct standards-oriented publication.

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Usability Engineering for the Web
Applying usability engineering techniques to the Web.

My article in the Advancing HTML: Style and Substance issue of the WWW Journal.

Sections: Web Usability Engineering Life Cycle, Heuristics, Usability Tradeoffs.

Topic: Methods (16)
Author: Instone, Keith (5)
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September 15, 1997


User Interfaces with HTML and JavaScript
Code examples for forms and other user interfaces.

By David Flanagan. Article in the Advancing HTML: Style and Substance issue of the WWW Journal.

Topic: Dynamic HTML (3)
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September 15, 1997


People with Disabilities Can't Access the Web!
On the production of electronic documents for people with disabilities.

By Mike Paciello. Article in the Advancing HTML: Style and Substance issue of the WWW Journal.

Sections: Access Systems for People with Disabilities, Identifying Key Issues in Information Accessibility, Successful Solutions, Available Resources.

Topic: Accessibility (19)
Author: Paciello, Michael (1)
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September 15, 1997


Cascading Style Sheets Specification
CSS standard explained by its authors.

Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos. From the Advancing HTML: Style and Substance issue of the WWW Journal.

Specifies Level 1 of the Cascading Style Sheet mechanism (CSS1), from late 1996.

Topic: Style Sheets (5)
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September 15, 1997


WWWJ: Advancing HTML - Style and Substance
Multimedia guidelines, usability engineering and disabled access.

Winter, 1996, issue of the WWW Journal.

Topic: Periodicals (5)
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July 24, 1997

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