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Bad Design (12 links)
More General Topic(s):
Design Tips (41)
Discussions of unusable designs to help you see your own problems.
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How not to make your site accessible
Accessibility (19)
Destination: IBM (9)
Seebach, Peter (2) Find more like this
March 28, 2001
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When Web pages don't work
Five steps to improve user experience.
The Prime Evils of user-experience design:
- Confusing navigation and unexpected behaviors
- Slow response time
- Bleeding-edge technologies
- Poor (or omitted) user testing
- Off-the-cuff design services
Destination: IBM (9)
Paul, Chris (1) Find more like this
October 23, 2000
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Repent from Flash Sins
Today's Flash is like the green shag rug from the 70s.
Four Flash sins listed:
- The "Hidden" Button
- Annoying Audio and Graphics
- Failing to Test
- But It's Art Dammit!
Multimedia (12)
Kennedy, Tim (1) Find more like this
May 10, 2000
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Why Good Design Comes from Bad Design
Destination: uiweb (6)
Berkun, Scott (6) Find more like this
April 1, 2000
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Mystery Meat Navigation
Rollovers for navigation make web pages that suck.
Vincent Flanders defines a term for Javascript rollovers
as navigation elements and explains why this is bad.
Links to a lot of MMN sites are included, and Vincent
even takes jabs at the designers themselves this time.
From webpagesthatsuck.com.
Dynamic HTML (3),
Navigation (14)
Destination: Web Pages that Suck (1) Find more like this
January 8, 2000
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When Bad Design Elements Become the Standard
When to follow a common design, even if it is bad.
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Nielsen, Jakob (116) Find more like this
November 19, 1999
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How to make an Annoying Web Page
Attract annoying users with these annoying tips.
Of course, you could break every rule here, if you wanted to be easy-to-use instead:
- Text and More Text
- Graphics
- Backgrounds
- Animated Gifs
- Bullets
- Bars
- Music
- Java
- Frames
- Links
- Copying other Web Pages
- Cookie Cutter Web Page Design
- One Word: Stupidity
- Misleading Content
- Quizzes and Surveys
- Counters
Includes 'The Annoying Web Page Award'.
Find more like this
July 10, 1999
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The Top Ten New Mistakes of Web Design
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Nielsen, Jakob (116) Find more like this
May 30, 1999
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"Top Ten Mistakes" Revisited Three Years Later
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Nielsen, Jakob (116) Find more like this
May 2, 1999
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An Interview with Vincent Flanders
http://msdn.microsoft.com/libr ... en-us/dnsiteplan/html/wpts.asp
Interviews (15)
Destination: MSDN (4) Find more like this
August 19, 1998
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Web Ugly
http://msdn.microsoft.com/libr ... _voices_hess/html/hess0220.asp
Destination: MSDN (4)
Hess, Robert (1) Find more like this
February 27, 1997
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Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design
Common errors that make Web sites hard to use.
May 1996 Alertbox. The errors are:
- Frames
- Bleeding-edge technology
- Over animation
- Complex URLs
- Orphan pages
- Long pages
- No navigation support
- Link colors
- Outdated information
- Slow
Destination: Alertbox (101)
Nielsen, Jakob (116) Find more like this
May 7, 1996
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