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CHI Proceedings (10 links)

Web usability apers from SIGCHI's annual conference.

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Revisitation Patterns in World Wide Web Navigation
Empirical study of Web usage and how people go "back".

Patterns found: revisit pages just visited, access only a few pages frequently, and browse in very small clusters of related pages.

Results suggest new approaches to managing history in browsers.

Topics: Research (35), Navigation (14)
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July 16, 1997


How People Use WWW Bookmarks
Empirical study leads to 5 properties of personal information spaces.

Users: start small and build incrementally, select only useful items, add value through organization, structure for retrieval, establish a personal view.

These 5 are tied to problems with the Web as a complex information space.

Topics: Research (35), Browsers (15)
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July 16, 1997


Age Group Differences in World Wide Web Navigation
Effects of age and training on efficiency and preferences in searching.

Results: older users took longer because they liked to start over again at the home page and they often revisited pages already seen.

Topics: Research (35), Navigation (14)
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July 16, 1997


Internet Delay Effects
Effects of Internet delays on various users perceptions.

Perceptions studied: locating information, organization of information, quality of information, and navigation problems

General results: shorter delay, happier users.

Topics: Research (35), Speed (10)
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June 16, 1997


Silk from a Sow's Ear: Extracting Usable Structures from the Web
Grouping pages based on several criteria.

Topology, textual similarity, usage data and meta-information used to group pages into functional categories, node types, and on relevancy.

Topic: Research (35)
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September 16, 1996


Guidelines for Designing Usable World Wide Web Pages ... /shortpap/Rodriguez/rn_txt.htm
Guidelines compiled from a heuristic evaluation of existing sites.

Derived guidelines from Nielsen's heuristics were given to students to follow while redesigning.

Topics: Research (35), Comprehensive Guidelines (7)
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September 16, 1996


Characterization and Assessment of HTML Style Guides
Web guidelines compared with established HCI guidelines.

HTML style guides emphasized common look and feel, information display, and navigation issues. They do not cover application-type advice well.

One conclusion: development of HTML style guides has been less rigorous than others in HCI.

Topics: Research (35), Design Tips (41)
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September 16, 1996


A New Paradigm for Browsing the Web
Pages organized into decks.

An attempt to address organization and navigation weaknesses in current browsers

Topics: Research (35), Browsers (15)
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September 16, 1995


Showing the Context of Nodes in the World-Wide Web
Algorithm to discover landmark nodes and show current location among them.

Node importance based on in/out links up to two levels away. Noted enhancement could be to use access data instead of just presence of the link.

Topic: Research (35)
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September 16, 1995


The Audible Web: Auditory Enhancements for Mosaic
Making a browser more usable with sound additions.

Audible enhancements made to aid user monitoring of data transfer progress, provide feedback for user actions, and to provide content feedback to aid navigation.

Topics: Research (35), Multimedia (12)
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September 16, 1995

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