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Ask Tog (12 links)

Bruce Tognazzini's articles on web design.

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AskTog Design Books
Separate page for European delivery.

Topic: Books (12)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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February 14, 2001


The Sorry State of Web Design
Tog rant about ineffective browsers and poor page design to overcome them.

Topic: Design Tips (41)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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July 18, 1999


Maximum Security

Topic: Design Tips (41)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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April 19, 1999


How to Screw Up Lodging and Travel Sites

Topic: Reviews (14)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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December 30, 1998


Designing Manufacturer/Distributor Sites That Work

Topic: Reviews (14)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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November 15, 1998


First Principles
Fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces.

Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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November 1, 1998


Website Navigation Bars

Topic: Navigation (14)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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October 23, 1998


Scaling Information Access
Doing the best you can with what you have.

Tog explains that you just may have to settle for some poor user interfaces if you are using today's web technology.

His example is creating a browsable interface of thousands of members of a mailing list. You won't be able to do the same interface that works for a GUI and a hundred item list. Some things do not scale.

August 3, 1998 Ask Tog article.

Topic: User Interfaces (8)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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August 21, 1998


Silo Design for Web Transactions
Secret to transactional design is to take control.

Bruce Tognazzini shares his experience with designing a web application with a clear beginning and ending and where users could not stray in between.

His advice:

  • Turn off the browser's controls
  • Only allow exiting when it is safe or prudent
  • Back up your application with good data integrity

July 27, 1998 Ask Tog article.

Topic: User Interfaces (8)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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August 17, 1998


Trials and Tribulations of Web Application Design
Iterations on a single, simple web page.

Bruce Tognazzini's story of the problems encountered designing and building a simple introductory screen for Healtheon. With a lot of user testing, they went through these iterations:

  • Too many choices: open up another browser window to eliminate distractions
  • No more scroll bars: helping new and experienced users max the window
  • Wheezing windows: users caught in an infinite loop
  • Parker the Prairie Dog: distracting animation to the rescue
  • Parker the Permissive Prairie Dog: telling some to look away is OK

Then a new browser feature solves many of their problems...

Topics: Research (35), Animation (3)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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May 30, 1998


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If They Don't Test, Don't Hire Them

Topic: User Testing (17)
Author: Tognazzini, Bruce (11)
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