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Other Destinations: By URL
- 4guysfromrolla.com: Creating Usable Web Sites
- Alertbox: Improving the Dreaded 404 Error Message
- acm.org: Web-Based User Interface Evaluation with Questionnaires
- adaptivepath.com: Adaptive Path Reading List
- advance.aiga.org: AIGA Santa Fe 1999
- ah2000.itc.it: Adaptive Hypermedia 2000
- aifia.org: Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture
- alistaprt: The Curse of Information Design
- anybrowser.com: ANY Browser Viewer
- anybrowser.com: Screen Size Tester
- anybrowser.org: Viewable with any Browser
- argus-acia.com: http://argus-acia.com/people/shedroff_profile.html
- argus-acia.com: http://argus-acia.com/white_papers/evaluating_ia.html
- asis.org: ASIST 2001 Annual Meeting
- att.com: AT&T Style Guide
- ausweb.scu.edu.au: AusWeb97
- baddesigns.com: Do Metaphors Make Web Browsers Easier to Use?
- baychi.org: BayCHI Calendar of Events
- baychi.org: BayCHI-Web
- baychi.org: WebTV Meeting Minutes, BayCHI-UE BOF
- beta-research.com: Web Site Usability, Usefulness, and Visit Frequency
- blacksunimages.com: Web Interface Design Issues: Usability
- blacksunimages.com: Web Interface Design Issues: Usability
- bobby.watchfire.com: Bobby
- bohmann: http://www.bohmann.dk/articles/user_tasks_in_ecommerce.html
- bohmann: http://www.bohmann.dk/articles/against_non_standard_link_colors.html
- bohmann: http://www.bohmann.dk/articles/why_primary_navigation_must_die.html
- bohmann: http://www.bohmann.dk/articles/usability_problems_to_fix_today.html
- bohmann: Bohmann Usability
- bohmann: http://www.bohmann.dk/articles/effective_search_results.html
- business2.com: http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/0,1640,6739,00.html
- businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/aug2000/nf2000084_506.htm
- businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/cgi-bin/ebiz/ebiz_frame.pl?url=/ebiz/0003/ep0327.htm
- businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/cgi-bin/ebiz/ebiz_frame.pl?url=/ebiz/0005/0504bezos.htm
- businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/cgi-bin/ebiz/ebiz_frame.pl?url=/ebiz/0005/el0505.htm
- businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/ebiz/0009/wm0918.htm
- businessweek.com: http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_47/b3708076.htm
- businessweek.com: A New Recipe for VirtualGourmet.com
- camworld.com: CamWorld Rant: User-Centered Design & Web Designers
- chesco.com: http://www.chesco.com/~cmarion/PCD/MakeWayforInteractiveAsst.html
- choo.fis.utoronto.ca: Behavioral Model of Information Seeking on the Web
- cio.com: http://www.cio.com/archive/040100_intranet.html
- cio.com: http://www.cio.com/archive/webbusiness/060199_main.html
- cis.unisa.edu.au: OZCHI 98
- cmis.csiro.au: OzCHI 2000
- cnn.com: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/views/effect/oconnor.genders.jul11/index.html
- cnn.com: End of URLs as we know 'em?
- cognetics.com: The LUCID Framework
- content.techweb.com: Users Grapple with Pace of Web's Changes
- contextmag.com: Focus-Pocus
- coolhomepages.com: Color Design for the Web
- cooper.com: Beating the Checkout Blues
- cpsc.ucalgary.ca: http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~saul/681/1997/raly/Main.html
- creativepro.com: http://www.creativepro.com/story/feature/6858.html
- cs.brown.edu: Vannevar Bush Symposium
- cs.brown.edu: Memex and Beyond
- cs.brown.edu: Hypertext and Hypermedia Symposium
- cs.rutgers.edu: Web Interface Design: Learning from our Past
- cs.umd.edu: History Keeping in Computer Applications
- cs.usask.ca: UM 99
- cwi.nl: UWISH: Usability of Web-based Information Services for Hypermedia
- cyberbee.com: CyberGuide Ratings
- cybergeography.org: Web Site Maps
- dack.com: http://www.dack.com/web/flash_evil.html
- dack.com: http://www.dack.com/web/shopping_cart.html
- dallaway.com: http://www.dallaway.com/sloppy/index.html
- dcs.gla.ac.uk: INTERACT '99
- december.com: John December's Web Development
- december.com: CMC Magazine: Web Usability
- delorie.com: Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer
- delorie.com: Lynx Viewer
- delorie.com: Web Page Purifer
- designiskinky.net: Is usability dead?
- designtech.com: Design Technologies Web Usability Links
- designtech.com: Design Technologies Rapid Evaluation of Web Site Usability Course
- dialogdesign.dk: Comparative Evaluation of Usability Tests 2
- dionaea.com: http://www.dionaea.com/web/frames.html
- discuss.washingtonpost.com: Live with Jakob Nielsen
- dlib.org: User-Centered Iterative Design for Digital Libraries
- dlib.org: Clarifying Search: a User Interface Framework for Text Searches
- dlib.org: What's Wrong with Internet Searching
- doctrain.com: http://www.doctrain.com/
- dotparagon.com: Design for Usability
- dvisions.co.uk: Making the most of your 404 page
- e-loyaltyresource.com: http://www.e-loyaltyresource.com/thebook/
- e-loyaltyresource.com: 10 Critical Design Factors of e-Loyalty
- ecommercetimes.com: http://www.ecommercetimes.com/perl/story/2183.html
- ecommercetimes.com: http://www.ecommercetimes.com/perl/story/4430.html
- ecommerceusability.com: E-Commerce: Beyond Traditional Usability
- ecommuse.com: http://www.ecommuse.com/
- ecompany.com: http://www.ecompany.com/articles/web/0,1653,8764,00.html
- ecomresourcecenter.com: The Architecture of Online
- economist.com: Scents and sensibility
- edge.org: http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/gelernter/gelernter_p1.html
- education.indiana.edu: Design-Research for the Indiana University Bloomington WWW
- efuse.com: The Basics of Navigation
- efuse.com: Navigational Ease
- eleganthack.com: Information Architecture and User Centered Design Reading List
- emdezine.com: DesignWritings: Reading List
- enosis.com: Misbegotten Rules of Web Design
- enosis.com: Ten Design-less Rules for Successful Web Design
- erc.msstate.edu: InfoVis '99
- extranets2001.com: Extranets 2001
- firstmonday.org: Information Seeking on the Web
- firstmonday.org: Exploring Users' Experiences of the Web
- forbes.com: Is eTour worth the trip?
- forbes.com: Hidden agenda
- forbes.com: Does Your Website Sing?
- forrester.com: http://www.forrester.com/ER/Research/Brief/Excerpt/0,1317,5299,FF.html
- forrester.com: http://www.forrester.com/ER/Research/Brief/Excerpt/0,1317,7397,FF.html
- forrester.com: http://www.forrester.com/ER/Research/Report/Excerpt/0,1338,5462,FF.html
- fox.cs.vt.edu: Digital Libraries '99
- freedomforum.org: N.Y. Yankees score with Web site
- gamasutra.com: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20000630/huntsman_01.htm
- ge.com: GE Style Guide
- gerrymcgovern.com: Unsexy and Unstoppable
- gilbreth.ecn.purdue.edu: HCI International '97
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/040300infoarch.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/042800realebiz.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/050400empathy.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/051100lyingad.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/051900boo.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/071800bitinfinity.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/101000cart.html
- goodexperience.com: http://www.goodexperience.com/columns/102000threed.html
- goodexperience.com: The Web's Identity Crisis
- guardian.co.uk: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,3604,330433,00.html
- guardian.co.uk: http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,340064,00.html
- guardian.co.uk: Not just a pretty page
- guiguy.com: http://www.guiguy.com/classes/classes.htm#GUI-Intranet-CCI
- haifa.il.ibm.com: CoopIS 2000
- hatfactory.com: http://www.hatfactory.com/customer.html
- hb.se: http://www.hb.se/bhs/ith/2-98/ph.htm
- heidsite.com: http://www.heidsite.com/archives/flashaccess.html
- hennigweb.com: Going Forward: Usability Testing the Web Site
- hennigweb.com: Usability Testing for Web Design
- hennigweb.com: Usability Testing for Intranets: A Case Study of the Bose Corporate Intranet
- hiraeth.com: The Active Web
- htmlhelp.com: This Page Optimized for...Arguing with Customers
- htmlhelp.com: What's wrong with frames?
- hubel.sfasu.edu: Readability of Websites with Various Colors, Fonts, Styles
- hypernews.org: Web Mastery Style
- iconocast.com: ICONOCAST
- ics.mq.edu.au: Information Doors Workshop
- ida.liu.se: HCI Resources: WWW-related Issues
- ijhcs.open.ac.uk: IJHCS Web Usability Special Issue
- info.med.yale.edu: Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide
- infodn.com: http://www.infodn.com/iares-ia.shtml
- infodn.com: Teach, Info.Design
- infoloom.com: http://www.infoloom.com/tmfaq.htm
- infotoday.com: Internet Librarian '98
- infotoday.com: Internet Librarian '99
- ing.univaq.it: AVI 2000
- interactionarchitect.com: http://www.interactionarchitect.com/
- interactionarchitect.com: http://www.interactionarchitect.com/future/vision20000202shd.htm
- interactionarchitect.com: http://www.interactionarchitect.com/knowledge/article19991212shd.htm
- interactionarchitect.com: http://www.interactionarchitect.com/articles/article20000609a.htm
- interactionarchitect.com: http://www.interactionarchitect.com/articles/article20000609b.htm
- interactionarchitect.com: http://www.interactionarchitect.com/articles/article20001122.htm
- interactionarchitect.com: Trust and the perception of security
- internettg.org: http://www.internettg.org/jobs/jobs_toc.html
- internettg.org: http://www.internettg.org/newsletter/aug00/article_miller.html
- internettg.org: HFES/ITG
- internettg.org: Web Site User Centered Design: Techniques for Gathering Requirements and Tasks
- internettg.org: Creating Web Site Designs Based on User Expectations and Feedback
- internettg.org: Banner Blindness: Web Searchers Often Miss 'Obvious' Links
- internetworld.co.uk: Internet World UK
- intranetjournal.com: http://www.intranetjournal.com/features/hfi0598.shtml
- intranets2001.com: Intranets 2001
- itech1.coe.uga.edu: Designing Web-Based Training
- java.sun.com: Designing the HotJava Views User Environment for a Network Computer
- jcdl.org: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
- jjg.net: http://www.jjg.net/ia/
- jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk: JoDI: Journal of Digital Information
- jthom.best.vwh.net: The Usability Methods Toolbox
- kissfp.ch: Yet Another Style Guide, 1.1
- kmi.open.ac.uk: The Missing Link Symposium
- library.yale.edu: http://www.library.yale.edu/~prowns/nebic/nebictalk.html
- linuxtoday.com: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2000-07-11-015-04-PS-MR
- mackido.com: http://www.mackido.com/Interface/Color.html
- macromedia.com: Macromedia - Flash Usability
- managingchange.com: http://www.managingchange.com/masscust/experien.htm
- mantex.co.uk: Mantex Book Reviews
- mappa.mundi.net: Web Site Maps from Dynamic Diagrams
- medill.northwestern.edu: Stickiness in an Etailing Environment
- members.aol.com: Writing for the Web
- microsoft.com: Internet Explorer 3.0 Usabilty Test
- microsoft.com: Microsoft Backstage: How we built the new home page
- microsoft.com: Microsoft Backstage: Planning and Testing to Satisfy Customers
- microsoft.com: Usability Research Underlies the Elegance, Ease and Functionality of MSN's New Integrated Web Experience for Consumers
- moock.org: http://www.moock.org/webdesign/lectures/ff2knyc/
- nathan.com: http://www.nathan.com/thoughts/recipe/
- nathan.com: Interaction and Information Design Resources
- ncam.wgbh.org: NCAM Web Access Project
- newentrepreneur.com: http://www.newentrepreneur.com/Resources/Articles/articles.html
- news.bbc.co.uk: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/752293.stm
- news.com.com: Web search results still have human touch
- news.com.com: The most powerful Internet metric of all
- news.com.com: Airlines hit snag with online customer service
- news.com.com: Amazon, others add personal touch to home pages
- news.com.com: Amazon cuts tab clutter in home page test
- newstrolls.com: http://www.newstrolls.com/news/dev/downes/column102599.htm
- nj.com: http://www.nj.com/newsflash/index.ssf?/cgi-free/getstory_ssf.cgi?f0075_BC_WSJ--E-World&&news&newsflash-financial
- nlc-bnc.ca: Usability and the Web: An Overview
- ojr.org: Tearing Up the Rules at latimes.com
- ordersomewherechaos.com: Error Pages: The 404 Experience
- oreillynet.com: The CSS Anarchist's Cookbook
- oreillynet.com: The Case Against Micropayments
- otal.umd.edu: http://www.otal.umd.edu/SHORE/bs03/index.html
- otal.umd.edu: Depth vs Breadth in the Arrangement of Web Links
- otal.umd.edu: Guide to Usability for Software Engineers
- pcworld.com: How to Weave a More Useful Web
- pcworld.com: Locking Out the Disabled
- philosophe.com: http://www.philosophe.com/design/interaction.html
- philosophe.com: Site Design: Designing in Quality
- philosophe.com: Getting to Know Your Audience
- philosophe.com: philosophe ecommerce
- plinko.net: What makes a good 404 error page?
- poynter.org: http://www.poynter.org/centerpiece/050300.htm
- prospect.org: http://www.prospect.org/print/V11/10/nunberg-g.html
- quintus.org: Qunitus Flash Usability Links
- rational.com: Building Web Solutions with the Rational Unified Process
- reason.com: http://www.reason.com/0005/co.wo.access.html
- research.microsoft.com: Trends in Future Web Designs
- research.umbc.edu: Empirical Studies of WWW Usability
- researchweb.watson.ibm.com: ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
- rgu.ac.uk: http://www.rgu.ac.uk/library/
- robotwisdom.com: http://www.robotwisdom.com/web/index.html
- rpi.edu: http://www.rpi.edu/dept/llc/webclass/kairos/intro.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/tech/col/rose/2000/03/10/domain_names/index.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/business/feature/2000/06/23/consumers/index.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/tech/col/2000/06/01/undo/index.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/tech/col/rose/2000/05/19/den_boo/index.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/tech/col/rose/2000/06/30/microsoft_dotnet/index.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/tech/log/2000/05/18/boo/index.html
- salon.com: http://www.salon.com/tech/view/2000/07/10/autonomy/index.html
- sdtimes.com: http://www.sdtimes.com/cols/webwatch_004.htm
- sdtimes.com: Latest Isn't Always Greatest
- searchenginewatch.com: What People Search For
- seattleweekly.com: Why the Web sucks
- simongrant.org: Simple Guide to HTML Web Page Design
- sims.berkeley.edu: Needs Assessment and Evaluation of Information Systems
- sims.berkeley.edu: SIGIR '99
- sitenavigation.net: Site Navigation Guide
- sitepoint.com: Professional Website Usability
- skeet.com: http://www.skeet.com/reviews/spoolreview.htm
- smartwebby.com: Web Design Tips - Useful Tips for Effective Web Design
- smw.internet.com: Repent from Flash Sins
- spiderpro.com: http://www.spiderpro.com/pr/prstgm001.html
- stickygoo.com: Clicks-and-Mortar Integration: How to Succeed This Time
- stickygoo.com: Establishing a Dedicated Interaction Design/Usability Team
- suck.com: http://www.suck.com/daily/2000/03/21/
- suck.com: http://www.suck.com/daily/2000/04/10/daily.html
- sylloge.com: http://www.sylloge.com/5k/home.html
- taxonomist.tripod.com: Building Search Smarts
- taxonomist.tripod.com: Indexing Online
- techweb.com: http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB19990507S0002
- techweb.com: http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20000601S0003
- techweb.com: http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20000710S0004
- therealestatepro.com: Does Your Web Site Work In The Same Way That Consumers Behave?
- tlc-systems.com: Art and the Zen of web sites
- tnl.net: http://www.tnl.net/newsletter/2000/boobust.asp
- trace.wisc.edu: Trace Center on Designing More Usable Web Sites
- ucc.ie: http://www.ucc.ie/hfrg/resources/qfaq1.html
- ugweb.cs.ualberta.ca: Lynx-me
- usability.gr.jp: http://www.usability.gr.jp/alertbox/
- usabilityfirst.com: Usability First: Website Design
- usabilityfirst.com: Usability First - Usability Books
- useit.com: http://www.useit.com/about/searchreferrals.html
- useit.com: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20001001.html
- useit.com: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20001029.html
- useit.com: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20001112.html
- useit.com: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20001126.html
- user-experience.org: Location, Path & Attribute Breadcrumbs
- user.com: Problems with Navigating in Web Applications
- user.com: Resolving Conflicts between the Desktop and the Web
- userdesign.com: http://www.userdesign.com/docs/uem_compare.html
- users.nac.net: How to make an Annoying Web Page
- vancouver.wsu.edu: http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/fac/diller/usability/onlinenw/index.htm
- wdvl.com: http://www.wdvl.com/Authoring/Design/Friendly/
- wdvl.com: WDVL: Website Navigation
- wdvl.com: WDVL: User Interface Design for the Web
- wdvl.com: HTML Standards Compliance - Why Bother?
- web.oreilly.com: An Interview with Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville
- webable.com: WebABLE!
- webbusiness.cio.com: http://webbusiness.cio.com/archive/082800_closer.html
- webbusiness.cio.com: http://webbusiness.cio.com/archive/092800_closer.html
- webdesign-l.com: WebDesign-L Mailing List
- webdesign.about.com: Usability at About.com Web Design
- webdesign.about.com: Criteria for Web Site Evaluation
- webdeveloper.com: Something 4 Nothing Web Pages
- webdevelopersjournal.com: http://www.webdevelopersjournal.com/articles/accessibility.html
- webstandards.org: The Web Standards Project
- weinschenk.com: http://www.weinschenk.com/classes.htm
- weinschenk.com: Usability Engineering for e-Business
- weinschenk.com: Intelligent Interface Design
- wilsonweb.com: http://www.wilsonweb.com/articles/7diseases.htm
- wilsonweb.com: Designing a Business Web Site
- wilsonweb.com: Demographics of Web Users
- wired.com: The Curse of Xanadu
- wired.com: Fed Opens Web to Disabled
- wpdfd.com: Web Page Design for Designers
- www-personal.umich.edu: Web Usability OverSite
- www10.org: WWW 10
- www8.org: WWW8 conference
- www9.org: http://www9.org/
- www9.org: WWW9
- zing.ncsl.nist.gov: WebCAT
- zing.ncsl.nist.gov: WebMetrics Tool Suite
- zing.ncsl.nist.gov: HFWeb 5
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